Sunday, September 12, 2010


have people been standing out in the direct sunlight for a few minutes too long or something to that nature? you really can't do that here in the desert, because the sun starts to oven-bake the brain,which leads to retardation. That is the only thing i can possibly surmise for such blatant disregard to common courtesies. yup- full blown tangent time. this means examples of stupidity are going to be listed ,and if caught in the act of these listed below, i am now free and clear to either shoot you through my front door or run your ass over with my already painted red truck-consecutively
(and it takes an awfully damn scared person to outrun a pissed off one -so you better be one hell of a sprinter in the time it takes me to turn a motor over)
anyone who arbitrarily shows up knocking on my door without first calling me to see if i 'm not busy, sleeping, or hell-if i'm even feeling sociable that day, should expect to be verbally lambasted in the least. that's if i even open the door. yes,that would be the beauty of paying rent- i don't HAVE to open it.
i could give a shit if you know i'm home, because i feel no obligation to anyone who is so rude as to not ask if it is a convenient time for visitors. yup,
piss off.
this does not mean call once you're already parked in the driveway either.
after i remind you how much you pay for gas these days, i assure you ,i will still be laughing my ass off long after i hang up on you.
and this one goes out to a certain 'special' someone- i have to actually be live on the other end,in a coherent state, and say yes to you! leaving any message on my damn voice mail is an act of stupidity in itself, and will not suffice-
text messaging me only works-once again- if i respond with a sure , yes, ok.....and so on.
now if i actually do open the door- may i suggest that that you had better be on fire, and running to the hospital but simply can't make it-could i please give you a ride the rest of the way. i may let that one slide.
even if you are noticing that my residence is about to be engulfed in flames- let it fucking burn. if my ass is still in there ,then it's because i was sleeping and i'm gone from smoke inhalation anyway-
to be knocking on my door before 10am. for any damn reason. idiots- i own a gun...

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